transverse section

英 [ˈtrænzvɜːs ˈsekʃn] 美 [ˈtrænzvɜːrs ˈsekʃn]

网络  横断面; 横切面; 横切; 端截面; 横剖面



  1. "By all means," replied the members, each with his mouth full of sandwich. Judging from the transverse section of the bread, it was with filling.
  2. Mechanical characteristics and treatment method of collapse of tunnel with half-hard and half-soft rocks along its transverse section
  3. Second night orderly officer [ Correctional Services Department] Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Microbubble Drag Reduction of Different Curves of Area of Transverse Section of the Stern
  4. While cultivated Radix Saposhnikovia had phloem transverse section of root with oil tube lining up10-11 rings and xylem vessel with distinct annual ring.
  5. Fig.1 Transverse section of peroneal nerve, showing, in part, myelinated fibre swollen, loss of myelin sheath and diffuse thick myelinated fibre.
  6. The transverse section of the younger cheniers ( shell banks) on the west coast of Bohai Bay shows a convex morphology with its base tilting seawards.
  7. The Software Development of Vertical and Transverse Section Drawing
  8. Transverse section about several types of animal fur was done and observed, discussed the pros and cons of transverse section morphology, and popularized such qualitative methods.
  9. The effect of optical loss in bent waveguide, change of fiber transverse section and index distribute on transmission of bent long-period fiber grating ( LPFG) are discussed in this paper.
  10. Method: The shapes and properties, the characters of transverse section, the powder and disintegrated tissue of roots of medical materials were compared by microscopic measuring.
  11. CONCLUSION: The wild ginseng has much dispirited tissue in transverse section;
  12. Study on transverse section shape of several kinds of animal fiber
  13. There are two or more different dissolvable areas by transverse section of the saturated ancient timber.
  14. Distribution of chemical elements in cuticle and the transverse section of sugarcane stem were studied by means of SEM-EDAX.
  15. The principle and method that automatic determinate of orebody on transverse section with the neural network theory was presented, and draw the slippery boundary of ore;
  16. The total number of myofibers contained in a transverse section from the lateral superficial compartment of human lateral gastrocnemius muscle of the right side was counted, using both direct-and indirect-counting methods.
  17. The technology of measuring transverse section of tunnel is one of the important means to strengthen tunnel engineering management.
  18. A new method for the variation of transverse section area curve
  19. Transverse section, powder characteristics, physicochemical characteristics of fruits was observed and described. The identification methods of fruits were also studied. Stone cells of endocarp were observed for the first time.
  20. This article presents an account of transverse section image reconstruction from summation in the computerized tomography.
  21. The paper introduces the method of measuring transverse section of roads by full station meter as well as some techniques for programming to treat the measured data of road transverse section.
  22. Basides, the roadbed transverse section form is also discussed.
  23. It mainly analyzed the morphological characteristics of pores and resin canal on transverse section and wood ray on tangential section on the basis of wood structure.
  24. By studying on the settlement observation data of three field test spots, the special settlement curve characteristics of transverse section and longitudinal section of roadbed are gained.
  25. The correlation between FLT and varied flag leaf structure characters ( leaf thickness, transverse section area of vascular bundles and interval between pairs of adjacent bundles) and the correlation between FLT and number of green leaves ( NGL) were studied.
  26. A differential equation for calculating the normal stress at the transverse section of the flange of a steel concrete composite box girder is derived based on the compatibility of strain and the equilibrium of forces on an micro element of the flange section.
  27. Lemma which is unclosed ellipse, has 13~ 17 vascular bundles in the transverse section.
  28. The transverse section curve is divided into regular curve and irregular curves.
  29. The main achievements and new understandings are described as follows: 1. Through drilling, finding strata profile, measuring transverse section of the basin, the filling sequence in Quaternary and time sequence are established.